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Our activities and achievments in the Netherlands

Punctuality for passengers to 15 minutes on the main rail network

Punctuality for passengers to 15 minutes on the main rail network was 97.7% for 2019 as a whole; the same figure as in 2018. This KPI is determined largely by major disruptions and missed connections.

Punctuality on HSL South

Punctuality for passengers on HSL South to 5 minutes was 83.4% in 2019, nearly one percentage point higher than in 2018 (82.5%). Together with its partners in operations, NS made a great effort to streamline collaboration.

Seat availability at peak times on the main rail network

In 2019, the number of passenger-kilometres increased by 3.7% (2018: 2.4%); nearly double the estimated percentage used by the government to determine the level of investment required.

Seat availability at peak times on HSL South

Our aim is to provide excellent service to our passengers on the high-speed line. To that end, we intend to further improve our performance within the existing parameters set by infrastructure and rolling stock.

Journey information

NS wants to give passengers more control over their door-to-door journeys and more freedom of choice, irrespective of the means of transport or the carrier.

International connections

Together with its international partners, NS connects the Netherlands to major cities and regions in Germany, Belgium, France and Britain.

Availability of trains

NS withdrew an average of 11.4% of its trains for maintenance, repairs and refurbishment on any given day in 2019 (2018: 12.4%). This meant that enough trains remained available for our timetable.

Scheduled and unscheduled withdrawals

There were numerous withdrawals from service in 2019, resulting in temporary reductions in infrastructure capacity. In the spring, only limited train services were available around Leiden and in the Den Bosch-Boxtel area.

Timetable for 2020

The timetable for 2020 shows some minor adjustments compared with 2019. Ninety-five per cent of passengers will see almost no change in their train journey.

Door-to-door journey

Passengers usually set out by bicycle, sometimes on foot, or by car or another form of public transport. The end station is seldom their final destination.

Quality of NS connections to other carriers

 For predictable door-to-door journeys, it is important that passengers have good changeover connections from NS trains to other carriers’ trains.

Travelling without barriers

To keep rail travel attractive, we are investing in forms of transport that complement the train. This helps us ensure a pleasant journey to and from the station and make the door-to-door journey more convenient.

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