Found 195 results.
In 2018, equipment with a carrying amount of €185 million was sold to a third party and this equipment has been leased from that moment on (Traxxen). The result of this transaction is not material.
In view of the nature, diversity and locations (station areas), the fair value of the investment property portfolio is not determined on a regular basis, unless impairment applies.
The remaining goodwill concerns our operations in the United Kingdom and Germany.
The cash flows that were used for determining the impairments are based on the business plans drawn up by the business unit concerned for a period of at least five years.
The investments that are accounted for using the equity method have a carrying amount of €19 million (2018: €17 million). The financial information for these investments is as follows.
The inventories of maintenance materials consist of raw materials and other materials for the production and maintenance of finished and semi-finished products for the maintenance centres.